Finally, a beautiful spring day – in June. The sun was shining, the birds twittering, a cool breeze blowing. Perfect for hiking. Twenty or so hikers of all ages set out from the St. Marys Junction station Sunday June 2 on a hike. Where to? Along the Avon trail section of the former Grand Trunk railway line now part of the Grand Trunk and Avon Trail in St. Marys to the railroad trestle. On their way to the trestle, hikers could follow the Storybook Trail story, Big Bear Hug, by Nicholas Oldland. The story is told by large picture boards (16 in total) placed along the trail
And then, down the steps to a wonderful specially made trail complete with blaze signage, a stile over a farm yard fence running under the Trestle Bridge. Ted Derry was on hand to explain the trail signage code to those unfamiliar to blazing and to explain the purpose of the stile (to safely cross over a fence obstacle) hikers will encounter when walking on sections of the Avon Trail.
Those hikers that spent time learning the blazing signage, climbing the stile, walking the make shift trail (cut through the grass under brush with the bearcat club equipment) are now well prepared for future trips on other sections of the Avon Trail. Many thanks to Ted and to Bruce Graham for setting up the trail under the trestle, and to those Avon Trail members who helped take it down.
Also many thanks to Carol Miller and to Jane Foster for the apples, juices, water and cookies served back at the Junction for hikers that made the return trip in the day’s hiking loop.