Dear Members of Avon Trail,

As always, our number one concern is your hiking safety. Physical distancing and hiking protocols allow us to manage the Covid-19 virus as we spend time outdoors.

The Avon Trail  event calendar indicates cancellation of hikes planned throughout May. We have posted Avon Trail hiking protocol rules on the home page. Please see and follow them when taking to the trails.

 Trail monitors spent last weekend reviewing their sections of the Avon Trail.  Our volunteer tail maintenance crew remain busy; inspecting stiles, bridges, and removing tree limbs where necessary to keep Avon Trail  open.  And improvements on the trail have not gone unnoticed.
Many members have reported to me of people they have encountered on different trail sections. Often these hikers express surprise at the trail’s excellent condition.
Here is an email I received from a couple new to the Avon Trail.

Dear Avon Trail –

We just made a donation via your website as a thank you for allowing us
access to such a beautiful trail network!

In these challenging times we have been pursuing quiet and open trails
to maintain sanity and a feeling of normalcy. Your trails have been a
real highlight! So beautifully marked, maintained and accessible. They
are a standout in comparison to some other trail networks and we are so
appreciative as we can understand the work involved… A particular nod
to the wetland boardwalks, paint markings and beautifully constructed
stiles [rounded corners no less!] and we were blown away by the
welcoming steps cut into the road bank near 37th line!!!

Thank you again and all the best to you and your team for a happy and
safe Easter…

Please join me in thanking the maintenance crew and monitors for their dedication to the tasks at hand, despite the obstacles presented in this current working environment. With patience, our regular activities will resume, and we will be hiking together in the outdoors once again.

Thank you members of the Avon Trail for your continued support!


Jane Foster   Avon Trail President