for Trail Monitors Only

August 24 @ 10:00 am – 2:30 pm

MEET UP: Allman Arena at 9:45 am for 10:00 am departure.

Car pool to destination.  Back to Stratford by 2:30 pm.

I have taken liberties with this photo – it is not the Avon River but it does meander.
Sorry, open to Monitors only.

On this Saturday, August 24th, the first Monitor Meander and Picnic will take place. The hike will be about 3.5 km on fairly easy terrain. For many, this hike will be their first chance to walk the beautiful new “Organic Loop” section in Wilmot. For those at the central or Eastern end of the trail, you can come directly to the starting point: km 94.5  (Refer to  Bruce’s email which contains a map of the starting point).

A picnic lunch will be served. (Again, refer to Bruce’s email to make your sandwich selection and respond).   Please bring water and a plastic bag to sit on.

Please RSVP to Hike Leader, Bruce, by August 20th.
