Winter melt was unkind to the Trout Creek bridge.  Located southeast of the Periwinkle Trail, the bridge foundation became unusable.   As a result, as reported in an earlier reroute notice, the bridge was removed by our maintenance crew. It is in storage for use on a future day.
In the meantime, Trail Captain Bruce Graham, with the assistance of other volunteers,  worked tirelessly to develop a reroute. It is now open for trail use connecting the trail from km 36.5 off Line 20 in the southeast to the km 40.4 on Road 112.

Terry Aitken reported that he, his wife Valerie and daughter Carolyn walked this new section  April 28. “It is magnificent and will be a great addition to the trail,” said Terry. The new trail follows Trout Creek on the south  side. As you walk through cedar, hardwoods and hawthorn trees, you come across an old sugar shack on landowner Alex McKay’s property in the distance to the south. A stile used in the closed section now leads to the new trail [see photo]

The reroute leaves the Periwinkle Trail cut off from the main trail at this time. Both Bruce and Terry hope to develop it into a side trail that we can all enjoy.  Ontario’s oldest reforested woodlot dating back to 1905 surrounds the Periwinkle Trail.  Click HERE for a story that tells this tale.