Updated September 11, 2021

Good day Members of Avon Trail,

As we begin to see some light at the end of the “Covid Trail,” we are also experiencing a critical need for your help to keep our Club in order.

As you are acutely aware, nothing associated with the trail happens on its own. There are volunteers behind the scenes that maintain the trail paths and the Club itself, website, communications, finances, and the Trail App, to name a few.

Our small but mighty nine-member board has continued to meet and carry out these tasks.

At this time, officially in November, Avon Trail will require the following:

  1. Treasurer – board member attending ten meetings/year (POSITION FILLED)
  2. Store Manager – online sales badges 
  3. Membership Officer—manages online and in-person memberships. (POSITION FILLED)
  4. President – Board Member is attending ten meetings/year – monitors communication website email inquiries.
  5. Vice President – A board member, attending ten meetings /year
  6. Landowner Relations Officer – A board member, attending ten meetings /year – meets as required with landowners and addresses their concerns – seeks new routes for the trail as needed.
  7. Additional board member needed to serve in a member-a-large position.

As you can see, the loss of these critical roles would be devastating to the viability of the Club.

No, there has not been a “ Falling Out” amongst Board Members. There have been many Board members who have devoted 5 to 10 years of service to Avon Trail. 

It is time for some new energy.

Would you please give any of these positions serious consideration for yourself or an interested friend? Reach out to us through info@avontrail.ca.  Let us know how you can help with your special skills and knowledge. The president receives these emails. We look forward to hearing from you.

Our Club is worth the investment of your time!


Jane Foster 

President – Avon Trail