Dear Members of Avon Trail,

May everyone be safe and well as our physical distancing continues in the  management of the Covid-19 pandemic.  April 20th marked the date of the Members /Open Meeting of Avon Trail for 2020 which was cancelled due to Covid-19.Normally we would have met with the intent of supporting the Avon Trail and enjoying the company of hikers.

We would have talked about the activities of Avon Trail going forward into the  Spring and Summer months. Unable to do that, I wish to provide an update for the membership.

Please note that there are further cancellations of hikes going into May. These cancellations are now posted on the website.

All scheduled hikes up to Tuesday May 19th are cancelled.

Meanwhile the Maintenance crew of the Avon Trail have been busy  in keeping the trail open where possible for walkers. Stiles and bridges are being inspected, any debris crossing the trail is being removed.

Destruction of a bridge crossing Trout Creek had to be addressed with the decision to not repair it but to keep any reusable lumber. A reroute is being planned with the agreement of the landowner.

Some new trail signs have been installed, a bridge was painted  and improvements have been made on wet areas using wood planks.

There is more to be done and the crew is doing the work always with physical distancing in mind and separate vehicles used to get to destinations of the jobs.

Please join me in thanking the maintenance crew for their dedication to the tasks at hand despite the obstacles presented in  this current working environment .   With patience our normal activities will resume  and we will be hiking freely in the outdoors once again .

Thank you members of the Avon Trail for your continued support!


Jane Foster   Avon Trail President