Getting off the roads and into the woodlots will make hiking sections of the trail safer for  hikers, and a whole lot more fun.

Wearing his Landowners Relation Coordinator hat, Avon Trail President Bruce Graham  arranged permission to connect one leg of the Periwinkle Loop with one leg of the Harmony Loop. By bridging sections of the two side trails, 3.7 kilometers of road walking have been removed.  Now that all the blazing has been done to keep you on the trail, we are pleased to announce the opening of this new section of trail linking the Periwinkle and Harmony Loops.

Periwinkle to Harmony Loop main trail connector

 From Perth Line 20, the main Avon Trail now tracks NE, roughly following the east bank of Trout Creek. Leaving Trout Creek, the trail heads east thru woodland, to a corridor between farmer’s fields, before joining the Harmony Loop. The trail turns left (N) on joining Harmony Loop, and passes thru another pleasant forested area before arriving at Perth Road 112. 

A special thanks shout out  to the volunteers that cleared the path and blazed the trails for this new section to open.

The Avon Trail digital maps (available  free of charge in ONDAGO) have been updated. The Avon Trail Guide Edition 9.6 containing  paper maps is available for purchase from the Avon Trail Shop within this website. Purchasers of this Guide who purchased in 2023 and in 2024 will have a link to the 9.6 Edition sent to their email address. 

Enjoy this new trail connector and keep hiking.


David Parratt and Tom Kimber