Calling all trail monitors. Avon Trail needs you. Saturday, September 28 and Sunday September 29 are GO TO BLAZES Weekend dates.

It is time for the Avon Trail fall cleanup. As the saying goes, many hands make light work!

Here is what each Trail Monitor needs to do: 

  • RSVP Trail Monitor Captain Bruce Graham and let him know your intentions to participate. Bruce can be reached by email
  • Get assigned work with a monitor from Bruce (or if you are part of a monitor team, go with your teammate and check out your trail section).
  • Once you have reviewed your trail section, Send Bruce your trail monitor report. The report can be download from the website by clicking here. Complete this report. Print it. Photograph it with your smart phone and send the photo to Bruce by email 
  • Volunteers (who are not already Trail Monitors) are welcome to join in. Contact Bruce.
  • NB: trail monitors who are unable to participate in the “Go-To-Blazes” days for this weekend, please plan an alternate time.

Hike Route Overview: Walk your section and trim back overhanging growth,
clear away debris, and refresh blazes where needed.

Recommendations: Trail monitors are encouraged to equip themselves with a blazing kit.

For Instructions on Making your Blaze Kit, see the Avon Trail website Resource page,  or click here to see the info

David Williamson, our Quartermaster, has supplies too, so reach out to David through

Other tools (pruners, clippers etc.) may be borrowed if needed. Volunteers welcome to join with a monitor.