Yes, things are slower than usual in these unfamiliar times. We don’t have organized hikes. We are spending all our time social distancing and staying safe. But, the Avon Trail is always improving.

ONDAGO now reflects a newer more accurate version of the entire trail. 

Swamp Marigolds in bloom in Wetland

You will find the Wetland Loop (recently added to the trail at km 40.4) (in Part 1 of 2). In the spring, see Marsh Marigolds, fiddleheads and trillium in bloom.


Then, the former Sandhills Side Trail is properly reflected into the main trail, crossing the new Bamberg Bridge encountered between km 83.3 and km 85.4 (in Part 2 of 2). Look for the Michigan Lily wildflowers in the summer.

Michigan Lily wildflowers

Look for the new parking locations identified on the app.