First Aid/CPR

Hello, members of Avon Trail,

Spring is fast approaching and is renewing my enjoyment of hiking the Avon Trail.

Avon Trail subscribes to insurance through Hike Ontario. This insurance covers any incident while the hiker is on our trail, including personal physical/ medical injury.

Hike Ontario highly recommends that hikes led by a certified Hike Leader include at least one person certified in First Aid/CPR.

The current Certified Hike Leader program taught under Hike Ontario does not include First Aid/CPR certification.

Avon Trail is seeking individuals interested in completing a one-day introductory First Aid/ CPR course.   EMT Canada would deliver this training.  Many of the Hike Leaders of Avon Trail are interested in taking this course.

The minimum number of persons needed to take the course is 5. The maximum is 20. To have enough people, we are reaching out to anyone who would like to take it.

The one-day training session will be held on June 10, 2022. The venue is the Avondale United Church, 194 Avondale Ave. in Stratford.  The tentative start time is 9:00 am.

Course cost is $100.00 cash or $120.00 by cheque.

First Aid training benefits everyone. No matter where you are, you are well-positioned to help if assistance is required.

Please give this request consideration. Interested persons can contact me at

Jane Foster