Saturday October 12 – McNaughton-Morrison Hike
This trail loop winds through the Ausible River Valley combining both the McNaughton-Morrison Trail and the Morrison Conservation Area.
The river, trees, birds and wildlife make this an ideal setting for a nature trail. You will pass through towering hardwood and pine forests, skirts along the Ausable River and gives a bird’s eye view of the river valley at several lookouts. It’s also one of the best places to see the area’s unique white squirrels.
Contact Hike leader Maria to join the hike:
Distance: 8 Km
Pace: moderate to fast
Terrain: easy
Duration: 4 hours including travel time
Meetup Point and Time: Giant Tiger North West corner of parking lot (477 Huron Street, Stratford, N5A 5T8)
Meet at 8:45am for organization and carpooling and then a 9:00am sharp departure. Return to Stratford by 1:00pm.
Reminder: Bring snack, water, insect repellent or bug gear. Please wear appropriate foot gear (hiking shoes/boots or running shoes).