I acknowledge that The Avon Trail activities, in which I am participating, and may include but are not limited to any or all activities such as hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, cycling, trail work, and/or trail-related maintenance, involve risks that are beyond the control of the Association.

Notwithstanding the acknowledgement of such risks, I hereby release the Avon Trail Association, Hike Ontario, Upper Thames Conservation Authority and their contractors, employees, volunteers, agents, assigns and executors from all claims for the damage however so arising as a result of my participation in any activity organized by The Avon Trail.

I agree to pay the costs of any emergency evacuation of my person or belongings that may be necessary. While participating in Avon Trail activities, I agree to follow the directions of the Avon Trail organizer(s). I affirm that prior to participation, I will be aware of the nature of each activity, its distance, duration, and degree of difficulty, and that I will be properly equipped and physically able to participate.

I acknowledge that as a hiker, if my photo is taken, it may  appear in the Avon Trail website, on the Avon Trail Facebook or Avon Trail Instagram pages.

I have no medical or other condition that might preclude my participation. I am not known to have, nor suspected of having any respiratory or other airborne or droplet infectious disease prior to participating.  By selecting ‘Yes’ below, I am confirming voluntarily that I have read this document, that I fully understand its effect, and that I am at least 18 years old.  Each adult accepts full responsibility for all persons under 18 that may be in their care.