Avon Trail Annual General Meeting Minutes,    November 20, 2018

Present for speaker – 63,    Present for Business part of AGM – 47

  1. The president, Bernard Goward, welcomed those present.
  2. Motion – M/S Meg Westley, Pat Feryn that the agenda be adopted as presented.
  3. Carol Miller introduced our guest speaker, Nicola Ross author or Loops and Lattes books, who spoke about her trip to Mexico and hiking the Sierra Mountains. She was thanked by Meg Westley.
  4. Refreshment break.
  5. Showed 3-minute video fo the Avon Trail.
  6. Motion – M/S Carolyn Goward, Julia Vryheid that the minutes of the November 21, 2017 AGM be accepted as circulated.
  7. Reports:  PR and Marketing – Carol Miller,  Membership – Carolyn, 181 members as of October 31, 2018,  Hike Schedule – Jane Foster, Landowner Relations – Terry Aitken,  News letter – Bernard Goward for Tom Kimber,  Trail Coordinator – Bruce Graham for Ken Ferguson,  Trail Monitor Captain – Bruce Graham,
    1. Financial Report – Maria Antonio,                 Opening Balance November 1, 2017        $8877.30
                1.      Closing Balance October 31, 2018             $8066.16

Budget – Maria Antonio,  President – Bernard Goward

  1. Constitutional amendments – Bernard

Motion – M/S Terry Aitken, Tracy  that the Constitutional amendments to sections,  4:8, 7. D:2 and 7D be approved.  Carried.

  1. Election of Officers – Meg Westley

Continuing to serve the second of a 2-year term:

President             Bernard Goward

Vice President    Carol Miller

Director 1           Terry Aitken

Director 3           Meg Westley

Director 4            Jane Foster

Motion – M/S Meg, Bruce Graham that the following people be elected to the Avon Trail Board:

Secretary             Carolyn Goward for a 1-year term

Director 2            Donna Weitzel for a 2-year term

Director 5            Tracy  for a 2-year term

Director 6            Ted Derry for a 2-year term                                       Carried.

Motion to adjourn – M/S Ted Derry, Donna Weitzel; carried.