Hiking enthusiast and writer, Nicola Ross, has some great ideas on how best to endure the oppressing times we live through now. She shares these thoughts in her recent Newsletter. You can sign up for the Newsletter HERE.
With Nicola’s permission, I am sharing a news story that first appeared in Beaver Tales, the newsletter of the Beaver Valley Bruce Trail Club. It resonates with a message for hikers of the Avon Trail. Respect the Trail and the landowners who make the trail accessible to hikers. Obey the signs. Do not abuse trail rules.
Fairmont Side Trail Temporary Closure
At the request of private landowners, the Fairmount Side Trail is closed (Beaver Valley Section: Map 27, km 98.3 on Sideroad 22B north to Sideroad 25). The landowners cited recent incidents where hikers let dogs run loose, despite signage indicating the “No Dogs Allowed” section and a large group of people trespassing off-trail over private property. See Bruce Trail for reroute details.
With this closure, the popular Fairmont-Siegerman loop cannot be completed as there is no alternative route available around the closed trail.
A reminder to all hikers that the Bruce Trail passes through a mix of public and private land. The participation of private landowners is vital to the Bruce Trail. The BVBTC strongly urges all Trail users to stay on marked trails only, respect closed trails and parking areas, and respect landowners that require “No Dogs” on sections of the Trail using private property and keep dogs on leashes while on the Bruce Trail.