Trail Monitor Report
Two (2), or more of these reports are to be filled out preferably in the Spring by end of May and the Fall (end of October). The report may be completed on-line, or downloaded and mailed or emailed to the Trail Monitor Captain. These reports are mandated by our insurance carrier and will be referred to in the event of an incident on the trail.
Blazing is best done in June when the leaves are out and grass cutting should be done in May and again in late August.
Indicate km when referring to a concern.
TRAIL ENDPOINTS Start (KM): _______ End (KM): _______
NAME OF REPORT WRITER: _____________________________
Trimming done so path is reasonable width and height ___ ___
Trimmings cleared well off trail ___ ___
Raspberries and weeds cut down ___ ___
Dead limbs removed ___ ___
Dead trees and limbs removed ___ ___
List any hazards that need attention [specify km]
BLAZING Spring Fall
Blazes bright and in sufficient numbers ___ ___
Blazes can be seen in all seasons, in both directions ___ ___
Blaze posts are standing and visible ___ ___
Metal or plastic blazes fastened to posts ___ ___
Avon Trail signs at all access points ___ ___
Steps safe ___ ___
Boardwalks safe ___ ___
Bridges safe ___ ___
Stiles safe ___ ___
List any new structures or repairs needed [specify km] ________________________________
OTHER COMMENTS: __________________________________________________________
Date [ YYYY-MM-DD]: _____________________ Volunteer Time: ___________________
Signature: ____________________________________