Gerry clearing trail in April

It’s Springtime. The trails are open. Be aware that our team of monitor volunteers are walking their trail sections on the 130km Avon Trail to assess the trail section condition.

Monitors are an essential part of the Avon Trail. They are the eyes on the trail three times a year assessing conditions in the early and late Spring and in the Fall.

After each assessment, the trail monitors report their findings (trail passable, bridges still in place, logs across trail), this time, in a newly designed online Monitor Report feature available from the Avon Trail website. The Trail Monitor Report is found by clicking the Member Resources button. Based on the monitor reports, the team of volunteers on Avon Trail Maintenance plan and take action to keep the trails passable (remove fallen trees, repair bridges and field crossing stiles where needed, retouch blazes to keep them visible).

Trail monitors also clear back branches to keep the trail blazes visible to hikers.

Your boots will stay dry

Here is another example of the heavy lifting line that the Trail Maintenace team achieves.

A new bridge was constructed off site by the maintenance team. On May 3, the bridge was delivered to and transported along the trail by this great team. Now hikers can keep their boots dry while crossing this water hazard east of line 29.

Thank you to the monitors for your work. And many thanks to the heavy lifters and builders of the Trail Maintenance team.

Tom Kimber – News

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